Sunday, April 7, 2013

Announcement for POLIS Professional Master Students

Dear POLIS Professional Master Degree students,

Let me introduce myself, my name is Laura Pedata and I am the new Coordinator of the Professional Master Degrees at POLIS.

It is a great honor for me to be part of this program and, as my main focus is the success of your experience here at POLIS, I will do my best to see that things work and that you get the best possible results from this program.

As I have mentioned to the students I met yesterday in class, I will be available every weekend during the regular Professional Master classes, so feel free to come and see me with any questions or clarifications. You can also contact me via email at my POLIS address ( or Eralda Ribaj ( Please always Cc. her in the emails you send me.

Kind Regards.

Laura Pedata
Coordinator of the Professional Master in Design and Urban Studies