Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tirana Metropol Transformation: Public meeting of the Tirana Mayor, Mr. Lulzim Basha with the Students and staff of U_POLIS

On December 20 th, 2011, the meeting of the strategic group for the drafting of the Regulatory Plan was organized at POLIS University.
This activity supported from the “Hans Seidel” foundation, Germany and “IDR-Platform” Institute, it started with a tour in the new building of POLIS University, where the Mayor, Mr. Lulzim Basha was introduced to the infrastructure and the progress of the academic process. A special visit was realized in the design studio,  where 75 graduates of Architecture and Urban Planning are working of detailed projects on Tirana, themed: Projecting Tirana- Alternative Visioning.
Mr. Basha made a presentation for the students/staff of U_POLIS on the Tirana Urban Development Vision, new parks, rail public transport, new Regulatory Plan, International Competitions, etc.
On going, the meeting of the strategic advisory group for the regulatory plan was opened. Several representatives from local and national institution participated in this advisory meeting.
The representatives from 7 neighboring Municipalities and 6 Communes signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the Regulatory Plan and discussed on organizational and strategic issues of this project.
POLIS University actually is ranked as a partner who contributes professionally between the Public/Private decision making structures, which together create projects for the benefit of the territory development, improvement of the urban conditions and transparent governance.

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