Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Regarding the certificate of defense of the English language

Dear Students,

We bring to your attention that according to the High Education Law, the students who follow a second cycle program of studies in a Professional Master or Master of Sciences at POLIS University and in all universities of the Republic of Albania, must deliver a certificate of defense of the English language.

All the students at the end of the studies programs, in order to receive their diploma, must have taken one of the international English tests:

  • Cambridge Esol – University of Cambridge Examinations
  • IELTS – International English Language Testing System
  • TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language
  • TOEIC - Test of English for International Communication
  • Michigan -Test
  • PTE general – Pearson Test of English General

According to the guideline nr 14, date 28.03.2011 of “Ministry of Education and Sciences” for the recognition of tests and certifications for English language related to the programs of second cycle studies, the minimum acceptable level is defined as follows: Level B2 - (sufficient linguistic competence) - for the second cycle programs "Professional Master".

Level C1 - (satisfactory linguistic competence) - for the second cycle program "Master of Science"
Pay close attention to the above information and take appropriate measures in time to avoid any problems that may arise in the last moments before graduation.

Best regards!


Saturday, November 23, 2013

ULSI exam - Saturday 14th of December

Dear all,

Please be informed that the ULSI exam course will be held on Saturday 14th of December from  11.00 to 13.00 o’clock at C1 class, 3rd floor.

As the professor explained during the class, the exam is divided in two parts:  in multiple choices closed book exam (based on the concepts/definitions) and open book exam, based on the 8 readings of the required literature, for more details also you can refer to the syllabus ULSI course.

Best regards!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Graduation Diploma Ceremony - November 15th , 2013 at 5.00 pm

Përshëndetje të gjithëve,

Me kënaqësi ju njoftojmë se ditën e Premte datë 15 Nëntor 2013 ora 17.00 do të zhvillohet ceremonia e shpërndarjes së Diplomave në Hollin kryesor te U_POLIS për të diplomuarit e vitit akademik 2012-2013 ne te gjitha deget.
Studentët që do të marrin diplomën në këtë ditë, janë ata që kanë përmbushur të gjithë detyrimet. Ndërkohë të gjithë studentët e tjerë janë të mirëpritur gjithashtu për të qenë prezentë.
Në lidhje me programet Master Shkencor, pra MMMU dhe MDA, si dhe programet Master Profesional në të gjashtë profilet do të diplomohen vetëm ata studentë që kanë arritur të përmbushin detyrimet dhe kanë sjellë dëshminë e mbrojtjes së gjuhës angleze.
Për studentët që do të diplomohen, të cilët do të njoftohen me nje sms nga numri zyrtar i U_POLIS, kërkojmë në mundësi që të vijnë një orë përpara ceremonisë në mënyrë që të organizohemi më mirë.
Në ceremoni, mund të sillni dy persona te afert. Kodi i veshjes për këtë event është bardh e zi në llojin zyrtar.

Ju urojmë suksese të mëtejshme!
Mirëutakofshim diten e Premte!

English version:

Dear all,

We are glad to inform you that on November 15, 2013 at 5.00pm at U_POLIS, Main Hall the Graduation Ceremony for the graduated students of the Academic year 2012-2013 will take place.
All students who have completed their obligations will receive their diploma but all others are welcome to participate in this event.
For the students of the Master of Science Programme MMMU and MDA, and Professional Master programms the diplomas will be handed out only for those who have completed the obligations and who have brought the certificate of the English Language as requested by the Law on the Albanian Education.
Students who are going to graduate now and who are going to be informed also  by the official POLIS number sms, we kindly would like to ask them to come an hour befour the ceremony se that we can arrange better.
You can bring two relatives to the ceremony. The  official dressing code is black and white.

We wish you good luck!
Looking forward to seeing you next Friday!


We inform the ASD1, PAD1, HLD1, SHR1, LUD1, MMU1 Master Students, that the next course will be  “Urban Land Strategies and Instruments “ by Prof. Carlos Morales on November 15-17 2013, with the following schedule :

Friday: 13.00-17.00
Saturday : 9.00-17.00
Sunday : 9.00-17.00

Also all the students that still need to attend the course from last year are welcome to attend the course.

Best regards!



Please refer to the dedicated section on the right menu.

Laura Pedata
Coordinator of the Professional Master in Design and Urban Studies


Please refer to the dedicated section on the right menu.

Laura Pedata
Coordinator of the Professional Master in Design and Urban Studies


Monday, November 4, 2013

Readings and presenations of UDTH course now availbale on ftp space

Dear all,

Plaese be informed that the readings and presentations of UDTH course by Jan Fransen, Ledio Allkja, now are availbale on ftp space of  Master Programs.

This year the course has NOT an exam, but you have to deliver a " paper" within  on  
Monday  November  25th 2013, form more info please refer to the syllabus course.

Best regards!